I recently had an opportunity to write a blog for the Women's Networking Alliance. As a member of the WNA's Diversity and Inclusion Board this year, I stepped up and wrote a blog for Black History Month. (GULP) As a middle-aged, middle-class white woman, who the heck was I to speak of such things as racism from my privileged life? Yet, it was important to share my experience as a teacher reading #rubybridges to my students. Every school has its own issues and parents who stir the pot - this is not about them - much like the streaker running across the sports field, let's not give them the attention, please, and rather, focus the cameras on those striving to make the world a better place. Ultimately, this has to do with our children and the impact of learning how to be or not be racist from the directive of the adults in their lives - no matter what color, race, creed, religion, sexuality, identity. The timing of my blog happens to correspond, not only with #blackhistorymonth but with the #bannedbooks movement that is (unbelievably) happening in this day and age in parts of our country. Both of these very important topics are interconnected by fear. Please, take a minute to read my blog post on the WNA website and consider this: what can we teach our children that empowers them to seek their own education without the interference of those who wish to limit what is available to learn? Diverse content and inclusive stories at an early age can create a future different from, "The Problem We All Live With" (Rockwell) today.
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